This post is really just a placeholder for some new JavaScript tricks I’ve learned for WordPress over some of my latest projects. I’m sure these won’t be groundbreaking, but it’s worth it to document them here, at least for myself. Working with REST API on Multisite The first snippet deals with using the REST […]
Read MoreThis should be a fairly quick blog post, but it should help some folks out if they are looking to extend the WP Rest API index route to include some additional fields. First, let’s clear up what I mean by index route. For the purpose of this post, we are considering the index route to […]
Read MoreI finally swallowed the Webpack pill, mostly because I wanted to get the most out of single file Vue components for some new projects I’m working on, and Webpack is along for the ride. Overall, it’s been a semi-frustrating but also instructive experience. Before this I never used ESLint or any other type of linting, […]
Read MoreI’m writing this post at the end of a particularly odd week in terms of things going wrong. And this is the type of post that you write with fingers crossed, praying that you don’t have to come back later and update something because the universe decided you shouldn’t open your big fat mouth. I’ve […]
Read MoreFor those of you who’ve read the blog for any amount of time, you’re likely already aware of my tendency to skew towards data and data-driven solutions to problems. Thus, I tend to talk with people about using data for a lot of different purposes, conversations that have illuminated the ways in which data can […]
Read MoreI’m not sure how I didn’t know about this command sooner since I use cURL for a few other tasks. I’ve been using WGET to download remote files, but I recently stumbled across this new little shortcut that should save me a few seconds here or there. If you’d rather just watch a short video, […]
Read MoreTypeerror: cannot read property “values” from undefined is one of the most persistent and frequent errors you can get when doing any type of scripting in Google Apps Script. One of the most frequent questions I get on this blog, so I decided to dedicate a post to helping people troubleshoot this pesky error. First, […]
Read MoreFor anyone looking for faster page loads, converting images to data URIs can provide a speed boost in certain instances. In modern web development, page load time is extremely important, not just because people who use web sites have little tolerance for a slow loading site, but also because responsive sites are asked to support […]
Read MoreOver the last year or so, I’ve been working more and more with Node.js for a variety of projects. I started by building a few command line apps, progressed to some simple Node/Express sites, and more recently tackled some pretty complex apps that integrate RESTful web services that are hosted on AWS and Heroku. While […]
Read MoreHeat maps are a great way to analyze frequency in a data set. Beautiful and creative things happen when you are stuck in an airport for four hours. I’ve been wanting to explore heat map visualizations for awhile now, so when I had some time to kill flying back from SXSW, I decided to take […]
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